A new calendar with just 100 days in a year could save money by doing away with Tuesdays.
Scientists in the Lunchbate-Staggerswick Laboratory in Baltimore Shunting Yards say that by doing away with Tuesdays and making Wednesdays and Thursdays part of the weekend, they can save nearly 260 days a year.
It is only a theory at present, said Dr Ted Findings of LSL, but if it proves out, employers will only have to pay staff for two days a week. The savings will be enormous.
Scientists in the Lunchbate-Staggerswick Laboratory in Baltimore Shunting Yards say that by doing away with Tuesdays and making Wednesdays and Thursdays part of the weekend, they can save nearly 260 days a year.
It is only a theory at present, said Dr Ted Findings of LSL, but if it proves out, employers will only have to pay staff for two days a week. The savings will be enormous.