A story about some species evolving in a rapid burst yesterday has turned out to be a hoax. No fish turned into beavers, as we reported may happen last week. We can only apologise to any readers who were inconvenienced.
It is impossible for animals to evolve from one species to another in a single day, according to Prof Mandem Pumpsweersinkin of the Drunkonian Institute of Biological Research in Yelping Sidmouth. I don't know how you could have been so stupid as to believe it.
The orginal information was provided by Dr May Dupnaim but this has turned out to be a pseudonym for IJN's arch-enemy Prof Jampants Porridgiaty.
It is very irresponsible feeding false stories to online publishing resources, said Horse McWisker editor of IJN. Imagine what would happen if it became commonplace for false information to appear on the internet.
Prof Porridgiaty was unavailable for comment, but his secretary said: Mwah ha ha ha ha.
It is impossible for animals to evolve from one species to another in a single day, according to Prof Mandem Pumpsweersinkin of the Drunkonian Institute of Biological Research in Yelping Sidmouth. I don't know how you could have been so stupid as to believe it.
The orginal information was provided by Dr May Dupnaim but this has turned out to be a pseudonym for IJN's arch-enemy Prof Jampants Porridgiaty.
It is very irresponsible feeding false stories to online publishing resources, said Horse McWisker editor of IJN. Imagine what would happen if it became commonplace for false information to appear on the internet.
Prof Porridgiaty was unavailable for comment, but his secretary said: Mwah ha ha ha ha.